Stop short význam


Stop objednávky sú tiež známe ako stop-loss objednávky a môžu byť užitočným nástrojom pri znižovaní strát,, ako aj pri ochrane ziskov, najmä pri obchodoch s vysokým rizikom. Na druhej strane nie sú zárukou. Tento obchod nemusí nevyhnutne pokračovať s presnou stop cenou v dôsledku poklesu cien.

• Doctors stop short of saying the disease is always fatal, but medical literature paints a bleak picture. • Eric Gray charged back up the court before stopping short of the center line. • Even if it stops short of this extreme , retroactive cost justification is largely ineffective . stop short of doing [sth] v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (not do) estar a punto de loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo").

Stop short význam

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stop short of. Definition of stop short. : to stop or be stopped just before doing or reaching something I had to slam on the brakes when the car in front of me stopped short. He was about to say something, then stopped short. —often + of The boss said that she was unhappy with some employees, but she stopped short of naming which ones. stop short.

What does shortstop mean? The field position between second and third base. (noun)

Stop short význam

autostop; distanc; související . stopovat; stopař; podstatné jméno (2) stop short of (doing) sth zastavit (se) před čím (nedorazit až na místo), (přen.) neudělat co whistle-stop whistle stop krátká zastávka (na předvolebním turné politika) short: stop short of (doing) sth zastaviť sa pred čím, takmer urobiť čo: whistle-stop: whistle stop krátka zastávka (na predvolebnom turné politika) pull: pull to a stop zastaviť, zabrzdiť (vodič auto ap.) request: request stop zastávka na znamenie: subway: subway stop stanica metra: fire: Stop … 11/10/2017 10/19/2018 Find 46 ways to say stop short, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. stop short (third-person singular simple present stops short, present participle stopping short, simple past and past participle stopped short) To come to a sudden and unexpected stop, particularly while speaking or driving a vehicle.

Stop short význam

Shortování - vzorec pro zisk je: (prodejní cena-nákupní cena) X počet cenných papírů. Jak shortovat akcie - příklad short pozice na akcii: Investor otevírá obchodní účet pro short selling s 1000 dolary. Chce nakrátko prodat 2 akcie společnosti Apple: cena akcie je 500 USD.

Stop short význam

No, he would have to stop short or turn abruptly you know, something like that. Hij moet opeens zijn gestopt of abrupt zijn omgedraaid, zoiets dergelijks. You believe them when they happen, but they always stop short of anybody being seriously hurt. What is the definition of stop short? What is the meaning of stop short?

Stop short význam

The van skidded on the ice, but it thankfully stopped short of the cars in front of it.

Andere vertalingen. I want you to stop short of the hotel. Ik wil dat je vlakbij het hotel stopt. And Ligeti's rage does not stop short of language.

0 / 5000. Výsledky překladu. Překlad. Probíhá překlad Překlady zohledňují gramatický rod. Další informace. independent thinking, and prevent full inspection of bogus ideas and beliefs.

význam . genitiv plurálu substantiva stopa. Měří na výšku šest stop. sloveso význam . 2. osoba singuláru imperativu slovesa stopit; citoslovce význam . vyjadřuje pokyn k zastavení.

1. To close by covering, filling in, or plugging up: The tea leaves stopped the drain. 2. To constrict : My nose is Význam slova stop (z anglického stop) ve slovníku cizích slov včetně překladů do angličtiny, nemčiny, španělštiny a ruštiny. A Short Love Story in Stop 1. An order to a broker to buy or sell a security at the best available price once a certain, stated price is reached.

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stop short of (something) 1. To cease moving before reaching something or some place. The golf ball stopped just short of the hole. The van skidded on the ice, but it thankfully stopped short of the cars in front of it. 2. To almost or partially do something but stop before going through with or completing it.

Stop short definition is - to stop or be stopped just before doing or reaching something —often + of. How to use stop short in a sentence. 1.